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Reading material

To get you started, we gathered some links to resources here for you:

  • Works with, where integrations are described, for example with Alexa or Home Assistant. You do need the Crownstone hardware for this!

  • Crownstone for business, where we describe our position w.r.t. indoor localization and automation in the larger ecosystem of the industry.

  • Scenarios gives an overview of scenarios, for example, automatically dimming at night, which can be realized through using Crownstones.

  • The bluenet firmware can be used for our plugs and digital connectors, but you might also would like to use it for your own hardware or prototypes if it’s based on the nRF52 chipset by Nordic. You will have encryption, mesh communication, iBeacon conformity, a DFU procedure, a setup process, etc. See here for a more technical list of specifications. No need to reinvent the wheel anymore!

  • The source for the app is available as well. It’s able to control Bluetooth Low-Energy devices such as ours, uses React Native for screens that are both responsive and beautiful (check the screenshots), and has undergone all kind of stabilization, robustness, and optimization steps you do not want to know! You’ll be able to find the apps via this website at Apple and Google.

  • The Crownstone cloud code for a REST API-based online server can be used to host your own data on premises or somewhere else online under your own management. It uses loopback to (moderately) decouple from the database behind it, has a visual explorer for the API, webhooks, etc. Of course we host it ourselves as well.

  • You’ve free access to an archive of past issues as well. Read up on fancy, but energy hungry light bulbs or how Bluetooth Low Energy messages are actually constructed for example.