About Us

Pioneering indoor positioning technology 

Our vision

At Crownstone, we envision a future where indoor spaces are as intelligent and interconnected as outdoor environments. Indoor positioning technology will play a crucial role in making this vision a reality.
Smart building with indoor positioning systems (IPS)
Indoor positioning systems for various industries for asset tracking and locating people

Our mission

To provide businesses with the most accurate and reliable indoor positioning systems (IPS) on the market.

Our goal is to help our clients build the best products for their clients.

Products that optimize operations, enhance workplace safety, and provide better customer experiences through the power of location data.

What we do

We specialize in developing innovative indoor positioning solutions that can be easily integrated into existing systems or used independently.

Our technology enables businesses to locate people, assets, and other objects within buildings with unprecedented accuracy and reliability.

Indoor positioning systems for indoor localization of assets and people

Our team

Our success relies on a strong foundation. That foundation starts with the talented people we have in our company. We have several fields of expertise under our roof. Get to meet them!
Team Crownstone Peet

Peet van Tooren


Peet worked for a lot of international companies (Siemens, Philips) in the car industry, mainly on navigation software.

Team Crownstone Duco

Duco Ferro

Business Developer

Duco has a masters in AI and is an experienced entrepreneur focused on business development and sales of innovative safety and facility management solutions.

Team Crownstone Teresa

Teresa van Dam

Senior Researcher

Teresa has a master’s degree in Data science and develops world-class AI algorithms that make crownstone technology smarter.

Team Crownstone Sander

Sander Steeghs-Turchina

Firmware developer

Sander has a masters in Embedded systems and focuses on developing state-of-the-art firmware for our products.
Team Crownstone Chiel

Chiel van Diepen

System Engineer
Chiel has a masters in Embedded systems and focuses on electrical design and development of our hardware.

Our history

Crownstone originated from an innovation project at Almende, a technology and innovation-driven Research & Development company in Rotterdam.

To further develop the Crownstones power plug built-ins and the IPS, Crownstone was split off from Almende in 2016.

We still work closely with Almende on various research projects where the power of our IPS is an important asset.

Almende Research & Development and Almende Investments

Want to know more about our easy-to-integrate, accurate IPS?

Download the brochure

Fill in the form below and we will email you a brochure with further information.
Crownstone IPS brochure

Add Indoor positioning to your product

Do you have a product or service that requires accurate indoor positioning information?

Get in touch with us to see how the Crownstone IPS helps you find and locate people or objects indoors.