Get in touch

Want to get in touch? We’d love to hear from you. Here’s how you can reach us…

Send us an email

For general questions drop us an email. We’d love to help you!

Give us a call

Interested in our technology? Then talk with us, we’re all ears!

Financial contact

For questions about quotes, invoices, etc. you can email us at

Where to find us?

The address of our head quarters:

Stationsplein 45 E7.154
3013 AK Rotterdam
The Netherlands

KvK: 66065208
BTW/VAT: NL856381111B01
IBAN: NL36RABO0310477395


Important. When sending parcels to our address make sure you use the complete street number: 45 E7.154 (including unit number).

How to find our office?

Driving: We like to refer you to the directions provided by Google Maps.

Public Transportation: The closest option for public transportation is Rotterdam central station. There you have access to the train, bus, tram, and metro. When facing the main entrance of the Rotterdam central station you will have at your left the “Groothandelsgebouw”, where our office is located.

Parking: You can park in the Engels Parking, which is located at the back of the “Groothandelsgebouw”. It can be accessed via the Conradstraat.