Our Vision

Crownstone designs and manufactures indoor positioning hardware for truly smart buildings.

In the future, the market for indoor positioning will be larger than that of outdoor positioning (GPS)


Our homes and offices will never be smart if they do not know where we are!

Every device will get a chip, in particular, power outlets and lights


There are many more power outlets than smartphones in the world. A smart home company that solves the smart outlet puzzle will provide billions of chips per year, will automate billions of human acts per year, and will save billions in energy costs per year


Current Investors

Crownstone has as seed investor Almende Investments, did partake in the Rockstart accelerator, and launched as a company on the 20th of May 2016.


Our background

There are some important insights that guided our decision-making. We want to share a few of them with you.

Why now?


Smart homes need a smart hub. Nowadays voice assistants (Alexa, Google Home, etc.) are conquering the market. These can be seen as “gateway devices” into the smart home market. The most popular follow-up products are smart lights, smart plugs, and smart outlets!

why now
Why Bluetooth?


Conventional wireless protocols (ZigBee, ZWave) did fit the smart home application because they formed a network. Bluetooth did not. However, nowadays, Bluetooth Mesh lifts this severe limitation. With Bluetooth, there are suddenly billions of Bluetooth devices that can be connected. The costs of Bluetooth chips are much lower. In addition, when choosing Bluetooth this means the ability to do indoor positioning of Bluetooth smartphones, wearables, and tags.

why bluetooth
Why not WiFi?


There is no widely available low-energy variant of WiFi. Normal WiFi uses too much power and causes WiFi interference. In contrast, Bluetooth Low Energy can easily support hundreds of smart devices without such disadvantages.


Factors in our favor

There is more political pressure to become sustainable


The Crownstone products can immediately contribute to insight into energy use and contribute to energy savings.


There is an ongoing electrification process


After communication and lights, we are starting the electrification process of heating, cooling, and mobility. The Crownstone data will become more and more widely applicable.


Bluetooth and proximity technology are brought to the foreground.

Regarding indoor positioning, there is a shift from explaining what this can do to active requests from partners who already know that they want this type of solution.


There are competitors in this market, but indoor localization is a unique angle. The big companies, Google, Amazon, and Apple, will invest in their hubs, but not in the peripheral devices. There are too many of those and it would diversify their hardware portfolio too much. They will build ecosystems rather than compete and will invest in selected top brands. We are building such a brand.


For more information on insight into our choices concerning technology, sales, marketing, and execution, feel free to contact the CEO, Anne van Rossum.